AET Flexible Space, leading provider of Under Floor Air Conditioning systems has recently launched the new FlexTouch remote controller offering even more indoor environment control for occupant users and facilities managers. The FlexTouch is a mountable controller which offers users an alternative way to easily adjust the temperature and fanspeed of fantile units.
Underfloor air conditioning is commonly used in office environments, utilising the plenum beneath a raised floor as the ventilation zone. Fully conditioned air is supplied into the plenum by zonal downflow units (CAM), and is then supplied into the workspace via fan terminal units (Fantile). The fantile units feature integrated controllers where users can personally adjust fan speed and temperature to suit their own comfort. Access to the controller is via a specially designed hatch within the grille that covers the recessed fantile.
AET Flexible Space systems have featured personal user control for over twenty years; highlighting the sophistication and user led design of their under floor systems. Key features include fast relocation of the fantile units, easily adapting to changes in office layouts and integrated controllers, offering users personal control of their indoor environment. The introduction of the mounted FlexTouch controller gives occupiers another option to maintain their optimum environment without having to physically access the fatronic controller located in the recessed fantile beneath the grille.
MORI polls in London have found that 78% of office workers requested personal control of their environment. Air conditioning is often the biggest source of complaint in office environments with around 20-30% of workers not happy with their temperature, either being too hot or too cold. The AET controls options overcome this problem by providing user adjustment locally at the fantile; remotely via the flexvisor monitoring system and now via the newly developed ‘FlexTouch’ ensuring occupiers are able to easily maintain their optimum environment.
The FlexTouch controller has already been adopted by clients at City Gate House and 55 Baker Street where AET’s service and maintenance team have retrofitted the controllers to existing installations. Available in black or white, they are proving a popular option for meeting rooms and cellular offices where accessing the floor recessed fantile controller may be restricted.